US and India join forces to boost semiconductor industry

US and India join forces to boost semiconductor industry
US and India join forces to boost semiconductor industry


The US Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) and the India Electronics and Semiconductor Association (IESA) have come together to form a task force aimed at boosting cooperation between the two countries in the semiconductor industry. The task force will be made up of private sector stakeholders from both nations and will focus on several key objectives.
One of its goals is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of India’s semiconductor ecosystem and determine its level of readiness. This will help identify areas for improvement and create a roadmap for the development of a robust semiconductor industry in India.
The task force will also bring together industry players, government agencies, and academic institutions to identify near-term opportunities for growth and development in the sector. It will also study the challenges faced by India in increasing its role in the global semiconductor value chain, including chip manufacturing, and provide recommendations on how to overcome these challenges.
Additionally, the task force will explore workforce development and exchange opportunities between the two countries, which will benefit both nations. This could include programs to encourage the exchange of expertise and best practices, as well as collaboration on research and development initiatives.
The formation of this private-sector task force marks a significant step forward in the relationship between the US and India in the semiconductor industry. It will provide a platform for collaboration and create opportunities for growth and development in both countries, ultimately strengthening the global semiconductor ecosystem as a whole.
“We are thrilled to kick off this new initiative with IESA, our counterpart in India. India is already a major hub for semiconductor research, chip design, and equipment engineering, but its future potential is even greater. This task force will help identify tangible ways to unlock this potential by increasing collaboration between the US and India within the global chip ecosystem,” said SIA President and CEO John Neuffer.
“IESA is excited to be part of this new taskforce in partnership with SIA,” said IESA President and CEO Krishna Moorthy. “It will be an important platform to bring together global resources to identify actionable plans to support India to increase its presence in the world-wide chip industry and then enable global collaboration to execute the plans across all segments of the design and manufacturing supply chain, as well as creating semiconductor talent for the world.”


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