The restaurant reviews scam on Google: What it is and how you can stay safe

The restaurant reviews scam on Google: What it is and how you can stay safe
The restaurant reviews scam on Google: What it is and how you can stay safe


A new online scam has emerged, wherein scammers entice individuals to compose restaurant reviews on Google and provide ratings, only to abscond with their money. A West Sagarpur resident recently complained to the National Cybercrime Reporting portal, revealing that he was contacted by a woman via WhatsApp. This woman presented an opportunity to earn money by evaluating restaurants on Google.Falling victim to the scheme, the complainant subsequently transferred over Rs 23 lakh in anticipation of substantial returns.
Here’s all you need to know about the new online scam.
What is the scam about
A “write restaurant review on Google” scam typically involves offering people money or rewards to write fake, often positive, reviews for restaurants on Google Maps. This practice is deceitful and harmful for several reasons:
For the restaurant:
* Misleading reputation: Fake reviews paint an inaccurate picture of the restaurant’s service, food, and atmosphere, potentially deterring genuine customers and damaging the restaurant’s reputation.
* Unfair competition: Paid positive reviews give that restaurant an unfair advantage over competitors, potentially driving business away from them.
For consumers:
* Misinformed decisions: Fake reviews manipulate consumers by providing unreliable information, leading them to potentially disappointing experiences and wasted money.
* Trust issues: The prevalence of fake reviews undermines the overall credibility of online review platforms, making it harder for consumers to find reliable information.
For everyone:
* Violation of platform policies: Google, and other platforms, explicitly prohibit fake reviews and actively work to detect and remove them. Participating in this scam puts you at risk of account suspension or termination.
* Legal ramifications: Depending on the severity and intent, writing fake reviews could even be considered a criminal offence in some cases.
Types of “Write Restaurant Review on Google” scams:
* Offers money or rewards for positive reviews, regardless of the experience.
* Creating multiple fake accounts to leave multiple positive reviews for the same restaurant.
* Using software or bots to automatically generate fake reviews.
* Targeting vulnerable groups like students or unemployed individuals in need of quick cash.
How to stay safe:
* Be wary of deals or offers that seem too good to be true, especially those promising quick money for writing online reviews.
* Never write reviews for restaurants you haven’t visited.
* Report any suspected fake reviews to Google through their review reporting system.


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