Spotify and 8 other companies call Apple a ‘harmful’ company, here’s why

Spotify and 8 other companies call Apple a 'harmful' company, here's why
Spotify and 8 other companies call Apple a ‘harmful’ company, here’s why


Several high-profile app developers have been embroiled in a bitter dispute with Apple over its App Store policies. Epic Games — developer of the popular game Fortnite — is in the midst of a legal battle over Apple charging commission from app developers and not allowing in-app purchases. Elon Musk even ‘threatened’ to go to war with Apple — that turned out to be quite a damp squib. And now Spotify and eight other companies have penned a letter where they called Apple a harmful company.
Complaint to the European Union Commission
According to a report by Macrumors, the letter was signed by CEOs of Basecamp, Deezer, Proton, Schibsted, Spotify, European Publishers Council (EPC), France Digitale, and News Media Europe. In the letter addressed to EU Commission’s president Margrethe Vestager, the companies said, “For years, Apple has imposed unfair restrictions on our businesses. These restrictions hamper our development and harm European consumers. They include the tying of the App Store to Apple’s proprietary payment system, with its excessive commissions for app developers; the creation of artificial obstacles that prevent our businesses from freely communicating with our customers; restrictions to developers’ access to data of their own users; and capricious changes to terms and conditions.”
The companies further accused Apple of profiting from its monopolistic practices. “Apple benefits from a monopoly position over its mobile ecosystem and extracts exorbitant rents from app developers who have no choice but to remain on the App Store to reach European consumers,” the letter noted.
The companies called EU to take “urgent” action to end “Apple’s abusive behaviours.” A new Digital Markets Act has been passed by the EU and the companies said that the “EU has the opportunity to take the lead, but it must act fast, as every day that passes is a loss for innovation and for the welfare of European consumers.”


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