Papers submitted at DGPs’ meet have a ‘5G warning’

Papers submitted at DGPs' meet have a '5G warning'
Papers submitted at DGPs’ meet have a ‘5G warning’


All India Conference of Director Generals/ Inspector Generals of Police Meet was held recently in Delhi. The three day conference was attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and had 100 invitees including DGP of states/UTs and heads of Central Armed Police Forces. Among other things, the papers submitted at the conference had warning against the vulnerabilities of the high-speed 5G telecom network. These papers were written by some Indian Police Service officers.
The papers noted that the 5G network is built on easily accessible and open Internet protocols and it inherit all the vulnerabilities of previous generations that make it vulnerable to cyberattacks and threaten to compromise the security of the entire system. “During the initial transition phase, future 5G networks will inherit all the vulnerabilities of previous generations.”
Threats galore
“With crypto currencies and decentralised banking systems gaining further popularity using the real-time 5G networks, the linkages and financial trail will be difficult to trace,” the paper noted. “The 5G can provide an excellent platform for the middlemen and agents for creating linkages for crimes like drug trafficking, human and organ trafficking, money laundering, terror financing, etc,” the papers said.

“Due to network function virtualisation (NFV), cyber criminals can employ or execute attacks to access and even alter telephone numbers (target lists) to be monitored,” the paper adds. This may add to the headache of data collection for security establishments as there is no central node through which data passes.
The papers note that as 5G can support millions of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based Internet of Things (IoTs) and devices per square kilometer, it increases the potential surface area of attack for cybercriminals.
Cybercrimes like mobile network mapping, distributed denial of service, draining battery, service degradation, mobile IMSI capture, malware injection, CnC creation, intercepting communication, DNS spoofing, uplink, and downlink impersonations, etc. may be easier to carry out, the papers further said.
How to be safe
Suggesting safeguards, the papers say that the consumer education on IoT security is critical. It further advises that equipment should be purchased from trusted sources and not from China.
“The mobile operators need to adopt a hybrid cloud-based approach where sensitive data is stored locally and less sensitive data stored in the cloud. There is a need for network operators to be alert to the need for resilience of their infrastructure to power outages, natural disasters, misconfiguration etc.,” the papers said.


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