Taylor Swift AI deep fakes: The US’ DEFIANCE act to curb AI deep fake porn |

Taylor Swift AI deep fakes: The US’ DEFIANCE act to curb AI deep fake porn |
Taylor Swift AI deep fakes: The US’ DEFIANCE act to curb AI deep fake porn |


A new law called the Disrupt Explicit Forged Images and Non-Consensual Edits (DEFIANCE) Act is being proposed by US senators from both political parties. The law would make it illegal to share nonconsensual, sexualised images created by artificial intelligence without the subject’s permission. This new law comes after the artificial intelligence-generated explicit pictures of Taylor Swift flooded the internet, especially X (formerly Twitter).
Lawmakers say that they want to address the problem of AI-generated content that invades people’s privacy and causes harm. The proposed legislation aims to provide legal protection for victims of “digital forgeries” or non-consensual pictures that depict them in nude or sexually explicit situations. The bill has garnered support from US Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin, as well as Senators Lindsey Graham, Amy Klobuchar, and Josh Hawley.
“Nobody – neither celebrities nor ordinary Americans – should ever have to find themselves featured in AI pornography. Innocent people have a right to defend their reputations and hold perpetrators accountable in court. This bill will make that a reality,” said Josh Hawley.
Over the weekend, AI-made sexually explicit images of Taylor Swift at football games went viral on X. The images of Swift were likely made using Microsoft Designer and were first shared on Telegram. In response, Swifties flooded X with tweets to stymie searches for the images. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella weighed in on the matter and said that it is important to place guardrails around AI technology to prevent misuse. Later, Elon Musk’s X prohibited all searches for Swift to contain the spread of the images.
“This month, fake, sexually-explicit images of Taylor Swift that were generated by artificial intelligence swept across social media platforms. Although the imagery may be fake, the harm to the victims from the distribution of sexually-explicit ‘deep fakes’ is very real,” Durbin said in a press release.
The Disrupt Explicit Forged Images and Non-Consensual Edits Act of 2024 is designed to impose civil penalties on individuals who produced or possessed the forged material intending to distribute it or anyone who received the material knowing it was not made with consent. If passed, the law would allow people whose images have been used without permission to sue those who made or shared the images, seeking financial compensation.


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