Monster Hunter has competition because this RPG has something it doesn’t

Hunter on fancy wooden monocycle
Monster Hunter has competition because this RPG has something it doesn’t


After years of dominating the narrow genre of RPGs where you go and kill big creatures, Monster Hunter finally has some serious competition. Omega Force’s Wild Hearts has all the large weapons and giant critters you would expect, but it has something else going for it: buildable tools. 

Set to drop February 17 for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S; it won’t be long before we can get our hands on the title ourselves. Developed by the folks behind Dynasty Warriors, it’s clear that Wild Hearts places a strong emphasis on spectacle. In a new gameplay trailer, we see a hunter trying to take down the Golden Tempest, a giant vicious tiger who looks keen to make you its next meal However, the footage also shows us that there might be substance behind the game’s impressive style.  


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