Airchat: What is this new social media platform all about, how to use it and more

Airchat: What is this new social media platform all about, how to use it and more
Airchat: What is this new social media platform all about, how to use it and more


Airchat, an emerging social media platform developed by Naval Ravikant, the founder of AngelList, and Brian Norgard, former Chief Product Officer at Tinder, is rapidly gaining traction on both iOS and Android app stores. Unlike conventional social apps, Airchat distinguishes itself by prioritising audio posts. Users engage with the platform primarily through short voice recordings, automatically transcribed into text upon playback. According to Ravikant, this emphasis on natural voice communication aims to foster genuine human connection, countering the notion perpetuated by text-based online interactions that people struggle to relate to one another.

How to is Airchat different?

While Airchat incorporates familiar social features like user following, feed scrolling, post reactions, and content sharing, its core focus remains on audio messages. Nonetheless, users have the option to pause audio playback, read transcriptions, and share multimedia content within the platform. Moreover, Airchat introduces an asynchronous, threaded conversation model, contrasting with live audio forums such as Clubhouse or Twitter Spaces. This asynchronous approach allows users to refine their messages before posting, catering to a potentially more introverted user base who prefer thoughtful communication over spontaneous interaction.

Accessing Airchat currently requires an invitation from an existing user, as the platform operates under an early invite-only system. Upon joining, users encounter a feed of audio posts set to play automatically, with the option to adjust playback speed. Creating a post involves tapping the compose button, recording a voice message, and sharing it with followers, who can engage through voice or text replies, likes, and shares.

Is Airchat safe to use?

Regarding content moderation, Ravikant mentions the implementation of “complex rules” to mitigate spam and disruptive behavior, although specific details remain undisclosed. Monetisation is not an immediate priority for Airchat, with Ravikant expressing a focus on fostering user interaction over financial gain in the foreseeable future.

Whether Airchat’s novel approach to social interaction garners widespread adoption hinges on user comfort levels with voice-based communication. Nonetheless, the platform presents an intriguing alternative for individuals seeking a more authentic form of social engagement centered around the human voice. If fortunate enough to secure an invite, exploring Airchat’s unique perspective on social audio proves worthwhile.


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