iPhones may not be as ‘private’ as you are made to believe, warn researchers

iPhones may not be as ‘private’ as you are made to believe, warn researchers
iPhones may not be as ‘private’ as you are made to believe, warn researchers


Privacy concerns regarding Apple’s iPhone have recently been highlighted by researchers from Finland’s Aalto University. Despite Apple’s reputation for prioritising privacy, the researchers found that keeping personal data hidden from Apple is challenging. The study focused on eight preloaded Apple apps, including Safari, Siri, and iMessage, which are integral to the Apple ecosystem and difficult to remove.

What researchers are saying about iPhones


According to the researchers, Apple’s privacy protections were unexpectedly fragile, and the user interface often adds to the confusion. For instance, while users are given the option to enable Siri, data collection continues in the background regardless of user preferences unless specifically altered in settings, which can be complex and scattered across different locations.

While the exact usage of collected data remains unclear, it is speculated that it contributes to training artificial intelligence systems and personalising user experiences. Apple has yet to confirm or deny these assertions.

In response to these findings, users are encouraged to explore third-party alternatives, such as Firefox, and review privacy settings within their Apple devices to restrict data sharing. While the study raises valid concerns, it is important to acknowledge that it solely focuses on Apple and does not compare to Google’s Android system.

Despite the challenges highlighted, Apple has introduced various privacy settings and controls, allowing users to customise their privacy preferences. By navigating through iPhone settings and restricting permissions for both third-party and Apple apps, users can take proactive steps to enhance their privacy protection.


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