5 things about AI you may have missed today: LG AI agent, IBM AI chief on jobs, more

5 things about AI you may have missed today: LG AI agent, IBM AI chief on jobs, more
5 things about AI you may have missed today: LG AI agent, IBM AI chief on jobs, more


Today is the second last day of the year, and many are already on their end-of-the-year vacation. But pay attention, because some really interesting developments are taking place in the world of artificial intelligence. Ahead of the Consumer Electronics Show (CES 2024), LG has revealed that it will be unveiling its AI agent — a smart home hub, a robot, and a house and pet monitoring system. In other news, the global managing partner in generative AI at IBM, Matt Candy, has advised professionals that those who are capable of working with AI using language and creative thinking will have their jobs secured in this field. This and more in today’s AI roundup. Let us take a closer look.

LG to unveil AI agent at CES 2024

In a press release, LG revealed that it will unveil its smart home AI agent at CES 2024. G’s smart home AI agent boasts robotic, AI, and multi-modal technologies that enable it to move, learn, comprehend, and engage in complex conversations. With its ‘two-legged’ wheel design, LG’s smart home AI agent is able to navigate the home independently. The intelligent device can verbally interact with users and express emotions through movements made possible by its articulated leg joints. Moreover, the use of multi-modal AI technology, which combines voice and image recognition along with natural language processing, enables the smart home AI agent to understand context and intentions as well as actively communicate with users, claimed the company.

IBM AI chief has a piece of advice for professionals

According to Matt Candy, IBM’s global managing partner in generative AI, future jobs will require individuals with skills in working with AI, emphasizing language and creative thinking cultivated through liberal arts degrees. He believes as companies globally intensify their focus on AI in response to automation trends, the sought-after skills for these positions may not necessarily revolve around coding or technical hardware knowledge. Instead, proficiency in understanding language and its application could become crucial for well-paying AI-related jobs.

“Rather than us having to learn to talk the language of technology and programming computers, effectively they’re learning to talk our language,” Candy told Fortune.

Michael Cohen admits to sending his lawyers fake AI citations

Michael Cohen, who served as an attorney for former US President Donald Trump, admitted to accidentally submitting fabricated AI-generated citations in a court filing, reported NBC News. He mistakenly believed that the AI bot Google Bard was an advanced search engine, using it to research legal cases to support ending his supervised release. The AI-generated cases were non-existent, revealing Cohen’s error. Cohen, previously sentenced for various crimes including making secret payments and lying to Congress, now acknowledges the unintentional use of fictitious information in his legal filings.

In court filings, Cohen said that he had “not kept up with emerging trends (and related risks) in legal technology and did not realize that Google Bard was a generative text service that, like Chat-GPT, could show citations and descriptions that looked real but actually were not”.

AI makes a big revelation about Raphael’s masterpiece, the Madonna della Rosa

Researchers from the UK and the US have found that not all of Madonna della Rosa, a masterpiece by Raphael, was painted by him and AI has played a massive role in uncovering this mystery, according to a report by Science Alert.

“Using deep feature analysis, we used pictures of authenticated Raphael paintings to train the computer to recognize his style to a very detailed degree, from the brushstrokes, the color palette, the shading and every aspect of the work,” said Hassan Ugail, mathematician and computer scientist at the University of Bradford.

The AI revealed that the face of St Joseph in the famous painting was not Raphael’s work but Giulio Romano, one of his pupils.

With a boost from AI, Nvidia, and AMD witness the best year since 2009

Semiconductor stocks had their most successful year in over a decade, marked by a 65 percent rise in the Philadelphia Stock Exchange Semiconductor Index, with 2023 being its best-performing year since 2009, reported Bloomberg. The surge was driven by chipmakers at the forefront of AI applications. Notably, Nvidia experienced explosive sales growth, with its shares more than tripling and becoming the first chipmaker to surpass a $1 trillion market capitalization. Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), another key player in AI, ranked second in the index with a nearly 130 percent increase in its stock value for the year. The strong performance reflects the growing importance of semiconductor companies in the AI-driven technology landscape.


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