Apple may be forced to allow sideloading of apps in another country: All the details

Apple may be forced to allow sideloading of apps in another country: All the details
Apple may be forced to allow sideloading of apps in another country: All the details


For years, Apple has taken a firm stand and argued against sideloading of apps on iPhone. However, it looks like that stand may be in jeopardy. In a major move against tech giants, Japan is preparing regulations that could see Apple fined and forced to allow alternative app stores on its iOS devices. This follows growing international scrutiny over the dominance of major platforms like Apple and Google in the mobile app market.Japan’s move echoes similar actions taken by other countries and regions. The European Union has already indicated that Apple will have no choice but to allow side loading of apps on the iPhone.

What Japan plans to do

According to a report by Nikkei Asia, the planned legislation, expected to be submitted next year, aims to curb anti-competitive practices within the Japanese tech landscape. The Japan Fair Trade Commission (JFTC) would be empowered to impose fines for violations, potentially reaching up to 6% of revenue generated from the offending activities.
One of the most significant changes would be requiring Apple and Google to open their platforms to competition, allowing users to download apps from outside their official app stores. Currently, iOS devices solely rely on the App Store for app installation, while Android offers some flexibility but still retains control over default apps and payments.
Additionally, the JFTC is concerned about the high commission fees (15-30%) charged by Apple and Google to app developers. These fees have long been a source of friction, with developers arguing that they stifle innovation and raise consumer prices. The new law might address this by placing limits on commission rates or allowing alternative payment methods within apps.
Apple, on its part, has defended its App Store policies, arguing that they ensure security and quality for users. However, the company may face a difficult choice in Japan: adapt to the new regulations or risk potential fines and a smaller market share.


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