Scan Notes: How to scan printed or handwritten notes on iPhone’s Notes app

Scan Notes: How to scan printed or handwritten notes on iPhone's Notes app
Scan Notes: How to scan printed or handwritten notes on iPhone’s Notes app


Apple’s Notes app does quite a lot more than just take notes. Among the many features, one is the ability to scan both printed and handwritten notes directly into digital text. The new scanning feature utilises the iPhone‘s advanced camera capabilities to capture high-quality images of notes. Whether it’s a printed document or handwritten notes on a piece of paper, users can now simply open the Notes app.
The scanning feature is designed to support multiple pages, allowing users to scan entire documents or a series of handwritten pages in one go. The app intelligently organises the scanned pages, creating a cohesive digital document that mirrors the structure of the original notes. The scanned notes are automatically saved in the user’s iCloud account, ensuring that the data is securely stored and synchronised across all Apple devices linked to the same iCloud account.
Scanning printed notes
Follow these steps to scan printed notes:

  1. Open the Notes app and create a new note or select an existing one.
  2. Tap the camera icon (+) in the toolbar.
  3. Choose “Scan Documents”.
  4. Position your iPhone so the document fills the frame. Your iPhone will automatically capture the page.
  5. To scan additional pages, tap the capture button again. Otherwise, tap “Save” to convert the scanned pages into a single PDF document within your note.

Scanning handwritten notes:

  1. Open the Notes app and create a new note or select an existing one.
  2. Tap the camera icon (+) in the toolbar.
  3. Choose “Scan Text”.
  4. Position your iPhone so the handwritten text is clearly visible within the yellow frame.
  5. The text will be automatically recognised and appear in the note. Tap “Insert” to save it.

Tips for optimal scanning

  • Ensure good lighting for accurate text recognition.
  • Place your iPhone at a right angle to the document or notes.
  • Avoid glare and shadows on the text.
  • For handwritten notes, use clear and legible handwriting


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