More trouble for Elon Musk’s Twitter as laid off employees seek damages

More trouble for Elon Musk’s Twitter as laid off employees seek damages
More trouble for Elon Musk’s Twitter as laid off employees seek damages


Twitter is yet to offer compensation to a majority of employees Elon Musk fired soon after his acquisition of Twitter in late October. It was reported that even those who got severance were not happy with what they received. In the latest development, media reports suggest that about 800 ex-employees are seeking damages for the compensation Musk promised.
The Verge’s Alex Heath says that 800 laid off employees are seeking damages for the compensation that was promised but wasn’t given. He also notes that “Twitter is on the hook to pay the fees for these individual arbitration cases, which combined could total tens of millions of dollars.”

This is not the first time that reports of laid-off people using Twitter made rounds on the internet. In fact, the social media company is facing multiple cases, including for the way Musk handled the company after deal completion and many conference rooms at Twitter office being converted to bedrooms.
Twitter has also been sued by the building owners for non-payment of rent where the company’s San Francisco office is located. Recently, its Singapore office was also vacated for non-payment of rent.
Ex-employees told to drop lawsuit
Earlier this week, Twitter secured a ruling that allowed the social media company to force several laid-off workers who sued the company over their termination to pursue their claims via individual arbitration rather than a class-action lawsuit.

Five former Twitter employees accused the company of failing to give adequate notice before laying them off after Musk’s acquisition. However, a court asked these ex-employees to pursue their claims individually, citing agreements they signed with the company.
Twitter’s revenue is down
Earlier this week, a senior executive reportedly informed the company employee that the company’s daily revenue on January 17 was 40% lower than the same day a year ago. Siddharth Rao, an engineering manager overseeing the engineers working on Twitter’s ad business, also said that over 500 of Twitter’s top advertisers have paused spending on Twitter since Musk took over in late October, reports The Information.

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