Apple silicon allows to bring ‘game changing’ features to iPhone

Apple silicon allows to bring ‘game changing’ features to iPhone
Apple silicon allows to bring ‘game changing’ features to iPhone


Apple flipped the playbook as we knew it when it launched its own silicon powered MacBooks. The M-series of processors has got the conversation around Apple silicon grow louder but, in fact, it has been at the heart and soul of almost every Apple product.
Bob Borchers, vice president, worldwide product marketing, Apple was in the country and spoke at length about the impact of Apple silicon. “The Apple silicon powers our products and gives us a chance to bringing the best to users both in terms of software and hardware,” Borchers told The Times of India-GadgetsNow.
Borchers is an old Apple hand and a genuine authority to talk about how the Apple silicon has changed all things iPhone. One of the big impact of the Apple silicon has been on the iPhone cameras. Over the years, Apple has relied heavily on its hardware and software to deliver what we like to call the most consistent camera system.
It hasn’t been easy but Borchers says that it is because “we can design our products together with the design of the Apple silicon, we can create experiences that are unheard of.” Citing the example of the recent Vishal Bhardwaj film “Fursat”, Borchers says that shows the power of Apple silicon. It has replaced those giant cameras which were used for filmmaking. According to Borchers, it is because of Apple silicon that the company has been able to bring “game changing features” like the Action Mode on the iPhone.

Apple’s focus: What consumers want

There’s a school of thought that argues perhaps Apple has put in too many smarts in the iPhone camera. Borchers argues otherwise. “We make an attempt to give a balance in terms of what our customers might want or the ‘pros’ can have.” There are different needs for different customers but Borchers says that “there is no compromise in terms of what an average consumer might like or a professional photographer might like,” he adds.
One of the big things that the Apple silicon has managed to do in the last couple of years is improve the battery performance of the iPhone. Borchers says that every generation of iPhone — and with that Apple silicon — has been designed keeping performance at the forefront. Apple doesn’t change a particular spec or a number that might be a headline act. “Instead, what we focus is on real utility, like delivering all-day battery life and not what is the mAh capacity,” he says.
For Borchers — who has degrees from Stanford University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology — the goal is to deliver to customers what it wants. “We can do that with a combination of software, hardware, and anything that gives users what will benefit them the most,” he says.


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