7 new movies and TV shows on Netflix, Prime Video, HBO Max and more this weekend (February 3)

Poster for True Spirit on Netflix, showing girl standing on top of a sailing boat
7 new movies and TV shows on Netflix, Prime Video, HBO Max and more this weekend (February 3)


Let’s cut to the chase: this weekend might be the worst in history for new things to watch on streaming services. Despite last week’s crop of headline-grabbing arrivals – which included new Netflix series Lockwood & Co. and another Harrison Ford-starring drama – the next few days are drier than the Sahara on almost every major platform. 

That’s not to say there’s nothing at all to watch this weekend – Netflix, in particular, has a couple of interesting projects up its sleeve – but the distinct lack of franchise and sequel content is sure to provide a much-needed boost to movie theater attendance the world over. 


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