Netflix: Netflix cuts subscription costs across Middle East

Netflix: Netflix cuts subscription costs across Middle East
Netflix: Netflix cuts subscription costs across Middle East


Netflix offers several subscription plans that vary in price, features, and number of devices that can stream at the same time. The streaming platform is reducing its subscription costs in select countries in the Middle East. This could be a strategic move by Netflix to attract more customers in the region by making its services more affordable.
New price
In countries like Yemen, Iraq, Tunisia, Jordan, Palestine, Libya, Algeria, Lebanon, Iran, and Sudan, Netflix subscription basic plan will now cost $3.00 which was earlier priced at $7.99. The standard plan has been brought down to $7.99 from $9.99, and the premium plan has been dropped from $11.99 to $9.99.
In Egypt, the basic plan will cost 50 Egyptian pounds from 100 Egyptian pounds, the standard plan has been slashed from 165 pounds to 100 pounds. Similarly, the premium subscription plan has been brought down from 200 pounds to 150 pounds.

In Morocco, the price of the basic plan has been slashed from 65 Moroccan dirhams to 35 dirhams whereas the standard plan has been brought down from 95 to 65 dirhams and the premium plan has been cut down to 95 dirhams instead of 155 dirhams.
However, there has been no change in the subscription plans in Gulf countries like Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
The new subscription plans will reflect for new subscribers after signing up whereas for existing subscribers they will be rolled out in the upcoming weeks and come into effect from the next billing cycle.
However, as per Netflix’s website, the plans and prices may change as it “continues to add more TV shows and movies and introduce new product features.”


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